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colloidal silica中文是什么意思

用"colloidal silica"造句"colloidal silica"怎么读"colloidal silica" in a sentence


  • 硅胶体
  • 胶态氧化硅
  • 胶体硅,胶态硅石,胶体二氧化硅


  • Frictional behavior is modified by colloidal silica or starch deposition .
  • Self - assembly mechanism and defect analysis of colloidal silica photonic crystals
  • The process of lost pattern , colloidal silica and baking was studied emphatically
  • Monodisperse colloidal silica spheres embedded with europium complex were fabricated by a modified stober method
    ) ber方法制备了铕配合物sio _ 2微球复合结构。
  • Preparation process of colloidal silica coating and compound shell making technology are introduced . in addition , the application results has been analyzed briefly
  • The technical requirements for the lost pattern made from the paraffin - stearin and the shell mould made from colloidal silica in the precision casting were introduced
  • The practice over the past five years shows that the process of shell mould made from colloidal silica in investment casting is mature , which provides the technical support for producing the qualified ceramic shell mould and precise casting
  • Mas precursor powders are prepared using aluminium sulfate , colloidal silica , and magnesium nitrate as raw materials via sol - gel methods , dsc - tg and xrd show that the mas precursor powders transform to cordierite completely at 1300
    以硫酸铝、硝酸镁和硅溶胶为原料,采用溶胶-凝胶法,制得mas先驱体粉末, xrd表明,该粉末经1300的热处理后,完全转变为堇青石。
  • Using aluminium sulfate and colloidal silica as raw materials , another kind of mullite precursor powders is made . the relative density of silica - rich mullite ceramic sintered from these powders at 1550 for 1 hour with a pressure of 15mpa is 97 %
    以硫酸铝、硅溶胶为原料,采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了莫来石先驱体粉末,所得富硅莫来石先驱体粉末在1550 、 15mpa下热压烧结1小时后,致密度达97 。
用"colloidal silica"造句  


Colloidal silicas are suspensions of fine amorphous, nonporous, and typically spherical silica particles in a liquid phase.
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